Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Links to check out!!

OK everyone. Now that you're on your way to starting your book designs, take a minute to also check out the links below.

Tons of photography books on Blurb. Great for designing and layout reference!! See what you don't like. See what you like and take note.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, Feb 5.

Hi everyone, I just realized that I had not updated the homework for this week (still reflected stuff from previous quarter.) As mentioned in class, the homework due Tues, Feb 5 is the following:

1. Finish posters - - Taking into consideration suggestions made in class, finalize your "Calling Out" poster designs in Illustrator and bring to class.
2. Finish Kickstarter projects- -Be ready to launch! Finish all components (including video) to your Kickstarter. Make sure to verify your account via Amazon!! We will do one last look over in class and then launch.
3. Bring 1 image of a previous work (your own) that you are particularly fond of. We will use these images to discuss principles of design in class.

See you in class!